Ninoska Vásquez is a Venezuelan model and beauty queen who won the titles of Miss Tourism Universe 2014 and Miss Earth Venezuela 2017. She represented Venezuela in Miss Earth 2017, making it to the Top 8 during the finals.
MODEL : Ninoska Vásquez @ninoskavasqueza
Necklace: Dolce and Gabbana Instagram @dolcegabbana
Corset: Raimana Cowan Instagram @raimanacowan
Boots: YSL Instagram @YSL
Grey top and pant : Robyn Elyse @robynnelysee

Silver jacket : Dolce and Gabbana @dolcegabbana
Pink bodysuit and pink pant : Nazarene Amictus @nazareneamictus
MODEL : Ninoska Vásquez @ninoskavasqueza
Photographer: Cleimar Lopez
Instagram @cleimarphotography
MUA: Britney Martins
Instagram @britneymartinss
Wardrobe style: The Confessional showroom NYC
Instagram @Theconfessionalshowroomnyc