FMNYC - What is your greatest weakness, as a model? What are you doing to improve on it?
MARY - My greatest weakness as a model is definitely my imposter syndrome about it—I am new and I have so much fun modeling so I am focusing on the joy it gives me.
FMNYC - Did 2020 affect your creativity as a model?
MARY - I felt like 2020 stole some of my creativity and confidence as an actor and a model, but seeing how the world reacts to 2020 is definitely enlivening that creativity.
FMNYC - What is a “new normal world” post-pandemic?
MARY - My new normal is doing what I want. I did not really model before 2020 because I thought it was for other people with a different kind of body type and face; however, ‘post-pandemic’ I love trying any different creative projects that come my way.
FMNYC - What are you looking forward to in 2021and 2022 ?
MARY - I am so looking forward to the world reopening and theatre, film and television to grow and shift.
FMNYC - When you’re not working, how do you like to spend free time?
MARY - I love jogging and spending time with my lovely friends.
FMNYC - Favorite photographers?
MARY - I have really enjoyed working with many different styles of photographers, but I’m learning about the canon of photographers and trying to develop what kind of style I enjoy most!
FMNYC - What is your personal style?
MARY - I feel most comfortable and most naturally myself in neutral tones with high waisted silhouettes given my body shape. I also feel like my hair always gives me a pop, of energy and accessory.
FMNYC - What is your favorite part of the modeling industry?
MARY - My favorite part has been meeting new people and learning about an industry that has so long been in the periphery of my mind and now I am actually in it.
FMNYC - What is your dream campaign and why?
MARY - My dream campaign would be a really neutral, earthy, ultra natural commercial shoot that focuses on natural intrinsic beauty showing up on camera. I would love to work with some sort of sustainable clothing company.
FMNYC - What are your goals as a model?
MARY - I want to consistently work in some creative way and keep learning. The projects and collaborations that I have done so far make me so happy to be involved, and I can’t wait to keep working.
MODEL : MARY HEALY @maryeileenhealy
MODEL : MARY HEALY @maryeileenhealy
MODEL : MARY HEALY @maryeileenhealy
MODEL : MARY HEALY @maryeileenhealy
MODEL : MARY HEALY @maryeileenhealy
MORE ABOUT MARY HEALY https://www.maryhealy.com/