Wearable Arts Collection
"Good, Better, Best Never Let it Rest,
Until Your Good is Better and Your Better is Best."
Rocky Gathercole
Rocky Gathercole - Hollywood celebrity design - avant-garde -
1990 I worked in ksa and Dubai until 2012
Currently - The Stars Fashion House 7558 Melrose Ave Los Angeles
PHOTOGRAPHY : Roj Miguel https://www.instagram.com/rojmiguel/
MODEL : Maria Imari Rodriguez https://www.instagram.com/mauxrod/
HMUA : Malick James Hilado https://www.instagram.com/malickhilado/
Rocky Gathercole - Hollywood celebrity design - avant-garde -
1990 I worked in ksa and Dubai until 2012
Currently - The Stars Fashion House 7558 Melrose Ave Los Angeles
DESIGNER : Rocky Gathercole https://www.instagram.com/verygathercole/
PHOTOGRAPHY : Roj Miguel https://www.instagram.com/rojmiguel/
MODEL : Maria Imari Rodriguez https://www.instagram.com/mauxrod/
HMUA : Malick James Hilado https://www.instagram.com/malickhilado/
Assisted by The Face Mantra : Make-Up Artistry | Geremy Barceliano & Justin Gumara Dela Cruz
Nail Tech : Pinky Swear Nails https://www.instagram.com/pinkyswearnailslipa/
Sharmaine Roxas https://www.instagram.com/by_sharmaineroxas/