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ALINE DALCIN Communicator and Author from Agro and Therapy.


⁃​How to use lightness at work?

I believe that not only at work we can use lightness, but in everything we do in our lives.

Because as Osho says, it`s all neutral, people who label if that`s good or bad, or if that`s

difficult. So, first and foremost is choosing, doing everything we do in a light way.

​⁃​Tips to improve self-esteem

First, as Louise Hay`s philosophy says, self-love

heals. We recognize self-deprecation, we don`t look

at our beauties. We look at ourselves with a very

critical look at ourselves when we ourselves, self-

compassion, self-generosity, with ourselves and with

our walk, ourselves, among ourselves and a look with

another perspective, at life and surroundings. So the

beginning of self-esteem is self-love.

​⁃​How is 2022 going for you?

did not answer

You are a speaker, tell us a little about this experience:

One of my gifts is communication and I love to communicate what I study, what I experience in

my 40 years of life and especially what I have experienced and studied and dedicated myself

for a decade of life. I want to take this to people because knowledge acquired and not passed

on is worthless. Knowledge is power, so I want to pass that power on to people so they can

access it.

⁃​We saw that you have given several lectures in

Brazil, do you intend to come to NYC?

Yes, it`s completely full of my 2022 schedule here in

Brazil, but I have several commitments abroad for

the year 2023 and I`m definitely going to New York.

⁃​Won awards? Which?

Motivational Speaker at Mirror Fashion Day - Copacabana Palace; Top of Mind UK, in England;

Motivational Speaker of the Year, at the Portuguese Brazilian Awards, in Paris;

I will be honored in São Paulo, at the Hakka space on December 2nd with the Best of the Year

award – Master American Eagle and on December 3rd, also at the Hakka space, with the

Quality Award, receiving the Quality Seal on stage.

I am very happy to be able to contribute to the world and to see that everything I carry is

making sense: my life purpose, my gift and my passion, which is self-knowledge and


​⁃​Are you happy with your achievements?

Yes, I've always been very grateful. Where I was, I

was grateful and always did the best I could with

what I had. So I live in a state of grace, that`s

empirical in me.

⁃​Any news and projects on the way?

We are designing my television show and launching my book “12 steps to a full life”.

​⁃​Leave a message for our readers:

I like to quote a quote from Bert Hellinger, who

brought as Family Constellations to Brazil: When a

person heals, looks at himself, looks inside, not only

does he become a work of art, but he heals the entire

your lineage. We are the rare fruit of our family


COMMUNICATOR & AUTHOR : Aline Dalcin @alinedalcinoriginal

PHOTOS : Estudio LM. @estudiolm

PRESS OFFICE : Rafaella Freitas @rafaellarffreitas


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