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“Hot Mess” Collection by Alexandra Popescu-York

was released s in the middle of the pandemic Feb 2021 .

What is it like doing a fashion show during the pandemic?

From the designer point of view, making a collection during the pandemic is almost impossible. To keep the wheels going, to have the optimistic spirit to create, to have the resources to invest in your collection, show production, marketing and distribution, it’s a lot! The logistics were taken care of by the production company Flying Solo, and they did a fantastic job, like always! They are pioneers in the industry, very organized, and so strong as I consider myself as well.

What is the symbolistic behind your new collection?

My collection is a message of vitality and hope. Also, I want to inspire a call to LIFE and a much-needed brightness.

The message could be, “Get up from the dormant state, shake the negativity that’s all around us! Let the sun kiss you, smell the flowers, put on a beautiful dress or outfit, feel comfortable and enjoy your life to the fullest! “

Another message could be “A smile from a friend and a pat on the shoulder saying: It’s going to be OK!”

I add a little irony and humor in my collection, and I think these times need it the most.

This collection is extraordinary because it’s the first one I created since the pandemic started. As an artist, I tend to be very emotional and emphatic with the situation that the whole world is in, and it’s not a “pink” one. The world is suffering, and I cannot ignore it.

2020 was a terrible year for humanity. My soul cries for everyone who died in this pandemic, and there were times when I feared for my life and my family’s life.

These being said, I chose to raise and fight in my way. As an artist and designer, I am fighting the fear, and I’m trying to inspire myself and others for a better and beautiful future.

I don’t follow trends, but I always anticipate what will be trendy. As a designer, I feel I have a superpower in this sense.

2021 is the Party year and hopefully so will be the years to come.

My designs are timeless and they are a good investment.

The fabrics are mostly 100% natural (silk chiffon or silk charmeuse, cotton)

To offer a variety of prices and make it more affordable I did some versions of the same design in poly blend.

My collections are sustainable because I make very limited quantities.




You can purchase my designs at



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